Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In The Beginning...

Though this isn't QUITE the Bible, my hope is that you become similarly committed to reading my thoughts, opinions, insights, rants, and bold statements.  You may not always agree with me, but I promise not to bore you.

I've wanted to start a blog for years but as most writers will tell you, starting is at times the most difficult thing to do. Also, blogging is hard work! And as the great Woody Paige once scribbled on a chalkboard, HARD WORK PAYS OFF IN THE FUTURE, LAZINESS PAYS OFF NOW.   I thought about starting with a formal introduction but most of my early readers know me well and any new readers probably won't care who I am until it's been confirmed that the blog is worth the read.  Instead, I'm barging in like Lenny and Squiggy.

As personalities go, a good friend once called me The Black Vince Vaughn. I guess that makes me a funny guy with asshole tendencies.  I mean that in a good way, of course.  I blame my quick, sharp wit. :) I'm easy to get along with but also a bit stubborn. Perhaps that's the Taurus in me but I'm not much into astrology so, whatever.  Often, when my Granny was angry with me, she would say I'm a "typical W-O-R-D." Apparently, I come from a long line of assholes who had a problem remembering how to spell the family name.  I just know that when I'm wrong, I'll shut up, but when I'm right? You'll wish I WOULD shut up.  

I'd tell you what this blog is about but I, myself, can't tell you which direction I'll be going. I just wanted to start. My 8th grade history teacher always told me that when writing a paper, the best way to start, is to START. So...as student body Most Talkative and Class Clown, whether I'm talking sports, music, or life in general, expect the blog to be amusing, informative, refreshing, and FUN. Buckle up. It's gonna be a bumpy read!

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