Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Go Fish vs. Strip Poker

Man vs. Woman. Venus vs. Mars. Yin vs. Yang. Balls vs. Tits. You follow me so far? The battle that's been waged since the beginning of time and civilization. It's a strange battle in that the rules of engagement aren't the same for both combatants. I liken the difference to two extremely unrelated card games being played simultaneously. When men and women are getting to know each other, at times, it's like one side is playing Go Fish, the other side is playing Strip Poker. I'll assume you know in a general sense how these games are played so I'll save that detailed instructions. That's what Google's for. Basically, Go Fish is a game of communicative, collaborative participation. You request a card from my hand, If I have it, I'm expected to give it to you, and "vicey-vercy" as Fred Flintsone would say.  A simple lesson in give and take. We're allowed to openly discuss what we're holding in each other's hands. It's relatively friendly competition. Open and honest, like any quality relationships. Then, on the other hand, there's a darker, more calculated game. Poker is a game that promotes deception, stoicism, and secrecy.  The better liar-uh...bluffer you are, the better poker player you'll be and the more chips you'll stack.  See the connection? :) A round of Go Fish ends after you've honestly given your cards to your opponent or received all of your opponents cards. Either way, through simple question and honest response. Strip Poker? Well, more times than not, a round ends after you've been beaten or tricked by the lie your opponent is telling. SUCKA! NOW, GET NEKKIT!  

In any relationship, it's important to be clear which game you're choosing to play and what game is being played against you. If you're an open, honest, Go Fish player when dating, you expect honesty. You expect openness. You obviously expect communication. If you're one who prefers being misleading and deceitful, Poker is your game. High risk, high reward, high turnover rate. LOL...and honesty is not encouraged.

I have no judgement towards whichever side of the fence you sit on. I simply suggest that before you go wasting your time or the time of someone else, don't sit at the table until you find someone who's playing the same game you are.

Your comment is always welcome.

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